High-level API for dynamic attributes

The read and write methods for dynamic attributes can now be coded in a more Pythonic way, similar to the approach used with static attributes. This is a new feature so existing code does not have to be modified.

Prior to 9.4.x, the methods had to look something like:

def low_level_read(self, attr):
    value = self._values[attr.get_name()]

def low_level_write(self, attr):
    value = attr.get_write_value()
    self._values[attr.get_name()] = value

From 9.4.x, the read method can simply return the result, and the write method can be passed the new value, instead of extracting it from the attr parameter:

def high_level_read(self, attr):
    value = self._values[attr.get_name()]
    return value

def high_level_write(self, attr, value):
    self._values[attr.get_name()] = value

Further details, and more options are discussed in Create attributes dynamically.