High-level API support for DevEnum spectrum and image attributes

Prior to 9.4.x there were problems with both the client-side and server-side implementation of spectrum and image attribute of type DevEnum.

On the client side, the high-level API would raise an exception when such attributes were read. The low-level API worked correctly.

On the server side, a Python enumerated type couldn’t be used to defined spectrum or image attributes in a PyTango device.

Both of these issues have been fixed.

Example of server:

from enum import IntEnum
from tango import AttrWriteType
from tango.server import Device, attribute

class DisplayType(IntEnum):
    ANALOG = 0
    DIGITAL = 1

class Clock(Device):

    _display_types = [DisplayType(0)]

    displays = attribute(dtype=(DisplayType,), max_dim_x=4, access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE)

    def read_displays(self):
        return self._display_types

    def write_displays(self, values):
        display_types = [DisplayType(value) for value in values]  # optional conversion from int values
        self._display_types = display_types

Example of client-side usage:

>>> dp = tango.DeviceProxy("tango://")

>>> dp.displays
(<displays.ANALOG: 0>,)

>>> display = dp.displays[0]  # useful as client-side copy of the IntEnum class
>>> display.__class__.__members__
mappingproxy({'ANALOG': <displays.ANALOG: 0>, 'DIGITAL': <displays.DIGITAL: 1>})

>>> dp.displays = ["ANALOG", "DIGITAL", "ANALOG"]  # string assignment
>>> dp.displays
(<displays.ANALOG: 0>, <displays.DIGITAL: 1>, <displays.ANALOG: 0>)

>>> dp.displays = [display.ANALOG, "DIGITAL", display.ANALOG, 1]  # mixed assignment
>>> dp.displays
(<displays.ANALOG: 0>, <displays.DIGITAL: 1>, <displays.ANALOG: 0>, <displays.DIGITAL: 1>)