Getting started



PyTango is available on linux as an official debian/ubuntu package:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pytango

RPM packages are also available for RHEL & CentOS:


You can also install the latest version from PyPi.

First, make sure you have the following packages already installed (all of them are available from the major official distribution repositories):

Then install PyTango either from pip:

$ pip install PyTango

or easy_install:

$ easy_install -U PyTango


First, make sure Python and numpy are installed.

PyTango team provides a limited set of binary PyTango distributables for Windows XP/Vista/7/8. The complete list of binaries can be downloaded from PyPI.

Select the proper windows package, download it and finally execute the installion wizard.



Since PyTango 9 the build system used to compile PyTango is the standard python setuptools.

Besides the binaries for the three dependencies mentioned above, you also need the development files for the respective libraries.

You can get the latest .tar.gz from PyPI or directly the latest SVN checkout:

$ git clone
$ cd pytango
$ python build
$ sudo python install

This will install PyTango in the system python installation directory. (Since PyTango9, ITango has been removed to a separate project and it will not be installed with PyTango.) If you whish to install in a different directory, replace the last line with:

$ # private installation to your user (usually ~/.local/lib/python<X>.<Y>/site-packages)
$ python install --user

$ # or specific installation directory
$ python install --prefix=/home/homer/local


On windows, PyTango must be built using MS VC++. Since it is rarely needed and the instructions are so complicated, I have choosen to place the how-to in a separate text file. You can find it in the source package under doc/windows_notes.txt.


To test the installation, import tango and check tango.Release.version:

$ python -c "import tango; print(tango.Release.version)"

Next steps: Check out the Quick tour.