.. currentmodule:: tango Green mode ========== PyTango supports cooperative green Tango objects. Since version 8.1 two *green* modes have been added: :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Futures` and :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Gevent`. In version 9.2.0 another one has been added: :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Asyncio`. The :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Futures` uses the standard python module :mod:`concurrent.futures`. The :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Gevent` mode uses the well known gevent_ library. The newest, :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Asyncio` mode, uses asyncio_ - a Python library for asynchronous programming (it's featured as a part of a standard Python distribution since version 3.5 of Python; it's available on PyPI for older ones). You can set the PyTango green mode at a global level. Set the environment variable :envvar:`PYTANGO_GREEN_MODE` to either *futures*, *gevent* or *asyncio* (case insensitive). If this environment variable is not defined the PyTango global green mode defaults to *Synchronous*. .. include:: green_modes_client.rst .. include:: green_modes_server.rst