.. currentmodule:: tango Green mode ---------- PyTango supports cooperative green Tango objects. Since version 8.1 two *green* modes have been added: :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Futures` and :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Gevent`. The :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Futures` uses the standard python module :mod:`concurrent.futures`. The :obj:`~tango.GreenMode.Gevent` mode uses the well known gevent_ library. Currently, in version 8.1, only :class:`DeviceProxy` has been modified to work in a green cooperative way. If the work is found to be useful, the same can be implemented in the future for :class:`AttributeProxy`, :class:`Database`, :class:`Group` or even in the server side. You can set the PyTango green mode at a global level. Set the environment variable :envvar:`PYTANGO_GREEN_MODE` to either *futures* or *gevent* (case incensitive). If this environment variable is not defined the PyTango global green mode defaults to *Synchronous*. You can also change the active global green mode at any time in your program:: >>> from tango import DeviceProxy, GreenMode >>> from tango import set_green_mode, get_green_mode >>> get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Synchronous >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Synchronous >>> set_green_mode(GreenMode.Futures) >>> get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Futures >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Futures As you can see by the example, the global green mode will affect any previously created :class:`DeviceProxy` using the default *DeviceProxy* constructor parameters. You can specificy green mode on a :class:`DeviceProxy` at creation time. You can also change the green mode at any time:: >>> from tango.futures import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Futures >>> dev.set_green_mode(GreenMode.Synchronous) >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Synchronous futures mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using :mod:`concurrent.futures` cooperative mode in PyTango is relatively easy:: >>> from tango.futures import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Futures >>> print(dev.state()) RUNNING The :func:`tango.futures.DeviceProxy` API is exactly the same as the standard :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. The difference is in the semantics of the methods that involve synchronous network calls (constructor included) which may block the execution for a relatively big amount of time. The list of methods that have been modified to accept *futures* semantics are, on the :func:`tango.futures.DeviceProxy`: * Constructor * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.state` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.status` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_read_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attributes` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_attributes` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.ping` So how does this work in fact? I see no difference from using the *standard* :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. Well, this is, in fact, one of the goals: be able to use a *futures* cooperation without changing the API. Behind the scenes the methods mentioned before have been modified to be able to work cooperatively. All of the above methods have been boosted with two extra keyword arguments *wait* and *timeout* which allow to fine tune the behaviour. The *wait* parameter is by default set to `True` meaning wait for the request to finish (the default semantics when not using green mode). If *wait* is set to `True`, the timeout determines the maximum time to wait for the method to execute. The default is `None` which means wait forever. If *wait* is set to `False`, the *timeout* is ignored. If *wait* is set to `True`, the result is the same as executing the *standard* method on a :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. If, *wait* is set to `False`, the result will be a :class:`concurrent.futures.Future`. In this case, to get the actual value you will need to do something like:: >>> from tango.futures import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> result = dev.state(wait=False) >>> result >>> # this will be the blocking code >>> state = result.result() >>> print(state) RUNNING Here is another example using :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attribute`:: >>> from tango.futures import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> result = dev.read_attribute('wave', wait=False) >>> result >>> dev_attr = result.result() >>> print(dev_attr) DeviceAttribute[ data_format = tango.AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM dim_x = 256 dim_y = 0 has_failed = False is_empty = False name = 'wave' nb_read = 256 nb_written = 0 quality = tango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID r_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 256, dim_y = 0) time = TimeVal(tv_nsec = 0, tv_sec = 1383923329, tv_usec = 451821) type = tango.CmdArgType.DevDouble value = array([ -9.61260664e-01, -9.65924853e-01, -9.70294813e-01, -9.74369212e-01, -9.78146810e-01, -9.81626455e-01, -9.84807087e-01, -9.87687739e-01, -9.90267531e-01, ... 5.15044507e-1]) w_dim_x = 0 w_dim_y = 0 w_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 0, dim_y = 0) w_value = None] gevent mode ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: Before using gevent mode please note that at the time of writing this documentation, *tango.gevent* requires the latest version 1.0 of gevent (which has been released the day before :-P). Also take into account that gevent_ 1.0 is *not* available on python 3. Please consider using the *Futures* mode instead. Using gevent_ cooperative mode in PyTango is relatively easy:: >>> from tango.gevent import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> dev.get_green_mode() tango.GreenMode.Gevent >>> print(dev.state()) RUNNING The :func:`tango.gevent.DeviceProxy` API is exactly the same as the standard :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. The difference is in the semantics of the methods that involve synchronous network calls (constructor included) which may block the execution for a relatively big amount of time. The list of methods that have been modified to accept *gevent* semantics are, on the :func:`tango.gevent.DeviceProxy`: * Constructor * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.state` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.status` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_read_attribute` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attributes` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.write_attributes` * :meth:`~DeviceProxy.ping` So how does this work in fact? I see no difference from using the *standard* :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. Well, this is, in fact, one of the goals: be able to use a gevent cooperation without changing the API. Behind the scenes the methods mentioned before have been modified to be able to work cooperatively with other greenlets. All of the above methods have been boosted with two extra keyword arguments *wait* and *timeout* which allow to fine tune the behaviour. The *wait* parameter is by default set to `True` meaning wait for the request to finish (the default semantics when not using green mode). If *wait* is set to `True`, the timeout determines the maximum time to wait for the method to execute. The default timeout is `None` which means wait forever. If *wait* is set to `False`, the *timeout* is ignored. If *wait* is set to `True`, the result is the same as executing the *standard* method on a :class:`~tango.DeviceProxy`. If, *wait* is set to `False`, the result will be a :class:`gevent.event.AsyncResult`. In this case, to get the actual value you will need to do something like:: >>> from tango.gevent import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> result = dev.state(wait=False) >>> result >>> # this will be the blocking code >>> state = result.get() >>> print(state) RUNNING Here is another example using :meth:`~DeviceProxy.read_attribute`:: >>> from tango.gevent import DeviceProxy >>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1") >>> result = dev.read_attribute('wave', wait=False) >>> result >>> dev_attr = result.get() >>> print(dev_attr) DeviceAttribute[ data_format = tango.AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM dim_x = 256 dim_y = 0 has_failed = False is_empty = False name = 'wave' nb_read = 256 nb_written = 0 quality = tango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID r_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 256, dim_y = 0) time = TimeVal(tv_nsec = 0, tv_sec = 1383923292, tv_usec = 886720) type = tango.CmdArgType.DevDouble value = array([ -9.61260664e-01, -9.65924853e-01, -9.70294813e-01, -9.74369212e-01, -9.78146810e-01, -9.81626455e-01, -9.84807087e-01, -9.87687739e-01, -9.90267531e-01, ... 5.15044507e-1]) w_dim_x = 0 w_dim_y = 0 w_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 0, dim_y = 0) w_value = None] .. note:: due to the internal workings of gevent, setting the *wait* flag to `True` (default) doesn't prevent other greenlets from running in *parallel*. This is, in fact, one of the major bonus of working with :mod:`gevent` when compared with :mod:`concurrent.futures`