Dependencies and installation

In most cases, your existing PyTango devices and clients will continue to work as before, however there are important changes. In the other sections of the migration guide, you can find the incompatibilities and the necessary migration steps.


PyTango v9.5.0 requires Python 3.9 or higher.

PyTango v9.5.0 moved from cppTango 9.4.x to at least 9.5.0. It will not run with earlier versions. cppTango’s dependencies have also changed, most notably, omniORB 4.3.x is required, instead of 4.2.x.

OmniORB 4.3 troubleshooting

If you get an error like:

omniORB: (0) 2023-10-23 13:18:11.872312: ORB_init failed: Bad parameter (2097152    # 2 MBytes.)
for ORB configuration option giopMaxMsgSize, reason: Invalid value, expect n >= 8192 or n == 0

This is probably because your system has the string 2097152    # 2 MBytes. in a configuration file, and this is incorrectly parsed by omniORB 4.3. For example, if the Linux system package libomniorb4-2 is installed then configuration file /etc/omniORB.cfg has this problem.

You can edit the file and remove the comment from that line, changing it to 2097152. Alternatively, uninstall the libomniorb4-2 package if it isn’t required on your system. PyTango’s binary Python wheels include their own copy of omniORB, so they don’t require the system package. Similarly, the conda-forge packages come with their own copy of omniORB.


Similar to the 9.4.x series, the binary wheels on PyPI and Conda-forge make installation very simple on many platforms. No need for compilation. See Getting started.

If you are compiling from source, you may notice that the build system has changed completely. We now use scikit-build-core, and use CMake for the compilation on all platforms. See building from source.